Mystery Guest Overview


Measuring Your Customer Satisfaction

The Mystery guest service, sets a measure for your customer satisfaction and your offering quality.This translates into an optimal return while continuously identifying your service quality

Mystery Guest Overview

Mystery Guest service, a variant of mystery shopping , provided by Avalanche Consultancy is used to, measure directly and in an unbiased manner, your client satisfaction and customer experience (CX). It helps improve your business processes, including quality of sales and service, job performance, regulatory compliance, and an adherence to brand standards. It is also used to coach staff about specific activities, change behaviors, and have a direct impact on sales.
We offer 3 types of in house mystery shopping, Read more.

Mystery Guest, Sample Case

Mystery Shopping Service

Sample Questionnaire

Your rationale for a Mystery guest service

Mystery guest will impact your hotel return and profitability by :

  • Providing a reliable measure for your property processes changes by deploying mystery shopping before and after the implemented changes
  • Identifying your point of strengths and weaknesses and address them in a timely manner .
  • Keeping your existing customers happy and up to the standards you are setting your property and by attracting a new set of clients. the service will help you accurately measure the customer experience and make its level consistent across your different locations. your customer experience satisfaction justifies the price you are charging
  • Keeping an eye in the competition and toughening your brand loyalty, and customer retention. the higher your customer loyalty the stronger is your pricing segmentation.

Our trained mystery shoppers will be present on-site, at your physical property location, and will use all your available facilities (Lounge, SPA, restaurants, etc.). They will interact with your staff, incognito, and through this stay, will assess different touch points and evaluation criteria, hence sensing the level of customer service offered, allowing us to properly rate and score them. We use various tools to make sure that our shoppers provide you with the most accurate information and most objective one. We analyse the the data into various ways , report exact feedback supported by media and video, this would give managers insights, both at the quantitative and qualitative level followed by our suggested recommendations.

Your property brand identity is a pillar of a successful, positive, customer experience. It creates a highly valued customer loyalty, and gets your visitors coming back. Our services will directly and accurately measure operational customer service techniques and reports their efficient smooth operation

Our Coverage

If you are a booming hotel business in the KSA or UAE, our Mystery guest is an exceptional service that supports you anywhere you're based, be it in Riyadh, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Jedda, Ajman, etc. We mobilise our teams swiftly and methodically and provide you with our findings within couple of weeks. Our secret guests are always mobilised and pending hotel availability, can swiftly be on the ground.

Our Reporting

Our report is both quantitative and qualitative. We use upwards 300 touch points and have our internal, well tested, Rating and Scoring methodology. You will also have access to a rich portal that includes all fine grained reports, charts, evaluations of the different sections of your property, testimonials, as well as comparison with historical surveys.

Sample Report

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